lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012
More imformation for 2ºESO
This year ,we are celebrating the 200 birthday anniversary of one of the best writers: Charles Dickens.
Os exames de 4º ESO serán o 4, 5 e 6 de decembro. O día 4 será grammar and vocabulary das unidades 1, 2 e 3 do libro; o día 5 será reading e writing que constará dun texto con preguntas e unha redacción das feitas neste trimestre; e o día 6 listening. Comezade a estudar e preguntademe na clase ou mediante o blog as dúbidas que teñades.
domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012
This year 3º and 4º ESO are travelling to London, we don´t know the exact date yet , but it will be on the third term. We are staying with families at Ealing (west London).
Home to Home is helping us to plan the trip. home to home
Home to Home is helping us to plan the trip. home to home
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